
mapping values are not allowed here

Check the YAML file for a missing ::

e.g. ssh.set_auth_key_from_file should have a colon appended…

Minion/Master public key does not match

The Salt Master server's public key did not authenticate!

The message will tell you where the master key is located e.g:

The master public key can be found at:
rm /etc/salt/pki/
start salt-minion

None issues in template variables

When passing None to a template e.g:

{% set option = pillar.get('option', None) %}

/etc/cron.d/{{ site }}:
    - context:
      option: {{ option }}

The variable will be set to the string None. If you do a test on the variable in the template e.g. {% if option %}, then None will be evaluated as True which is not what we want.

To solve this issue, set the variable to False if it doesn’t exist e.g:

{% set option = pillar.get('option', False) %}


Pillar failed to render

Had an issue where the parse error, expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>' was complaining about a line which I removed from the file. To solve the issue, I refreshed the pillar:

salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar

State found in sls is unavailable

State ssh.set_auth_key_from_file found in sls default.user is unavailable

I was trying to use a module when I should have been using a state!!

Undefined jinja variable

This issue affects Salt version 0.17.1. Both the master and the minion need to be updated to solve the issue.

Need to replace the following file with the new version:



/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/salt/utils/ is a symbolic link to /usr/share/pyshared/salt/utils/

To fix, copy the new onto your master and minion:

cd ~/repo/temp/
cp /usr/share/pyshared/salt/utils/
cp ~/repo/temp/ /usr/share/pyshared/salt/utils/

Restart the master and the minion… and you should be able to get Salt version 0.17.1 working.