dwm - shortcut keys
This is a useful reference, Dave’s Visual Guide to dwm…
- Create a new terminal:
Shift, Alt, Enter
- Toggle window:
Alt, Enter
- Close window:
Alt, Shift, C
- Menu (
): Alt, P (only if it is installed)…
- Move to another window:
Alt, J and Alt, K
- Quit:
Shift, Alt, Q
- Full screen:
Alt, M
- Tiled:
Alt, T
- Toggle the top bar:
Alt, B
- Focus previous screen:
Alt, ,
- Focus next screen:
Alt, .
- Send window to previous screen:
Alt, Shift, ,
- Send window to next screen:
Alt, Shift, .
- Increment master:
Alt, i
- Decrement master:
Alt, d