
Synergy is Free and Open Source Software that lets you easily share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers.


If using a Linux server and a Windows client (nice and simple), start by installing the Windows client:


Download the software from

  • If using a Linux server and a Windows client, then you only need to select the Use another computers shared keyboard and mouse (client) and set the other computers host name to the IP address of the server.

  • Get the name of the Windows computer by running the hostname command.


  • Then install quicksynergy. We did this using the Ubuntu Software Centre. This will automatically install Synergy.

  • Applications, Accessories, QuickSynergy.

  • In the Share tab, put the name of the Windows computer (see Windows section above into the correct position.

  • Click Execute

For notes on the Ubuntu Firewall, Firewall - UFW


March 2015

# linux
synergys -f --config ~/.synergy.conf

# windows
telnet 24800

I switched off the Firewall and it still doesn’t connect:

CD c:\Program Files\Synergy
synergyc.exe -f -d DEBUG2


Had similar issues to March (see above). Finally solved the problem, by opening the firewall port:

ufw allow 24800/tcp

To see the firewall status:

ufw status

To view the firewall log (where I found the problem):

tail -f /var/log/ufw.log