

I had complete success following the tutorial at Setting up File Sharing Between Windows, Linux, and Macs with Samba

The following will create a simple shared folder which anyone can read or write to:

sudo apt-get install samba


  • Create a folder for sharing:

    mkdir ~/repo/shared/
    chmod 777 ~/repo/shared/
  • Make a copy of the Samba config:

    sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.original
  • I changed the smb.conf file as follows:

    In the global section, I set the name of the workgroup (this didn’t match the name of the workgroup on the Windows workstation):

    workgroup = myworkgroup

    At the bottom of the file, I created my share:

      guest ok = yes
      path = /home/patrick/repo/shared
      read only = no

    In the Authentication section I un-commented security and changed user to share:

    security = share
  • Re-start the service:

    sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart

Note: For GUI configuration you could try GADMIN-SAMBA. It is horrendously complicated and I don’t understand it… but seems to work better than the Ubuntu one!


In Windows Explorer browse to the IP address of your server, followed by the folder name e.g:
