eclean is small tool to remove obsolete portage files:
eclean distfiles
Message after emerge sync
* An update to portage is available. It is _highly_ recommended
* that you update portage now, before any other packages are updated.
* Please do so and then update ALL of your configuration files.
See http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Upgrade_Portage
I ran the following commands:
cd /etc/
mv make.profile /home/patrick/temp/
ln -s /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2005.1 make.profile
emerge -uavD system
* An update to portage is available.
The normal emerge search showed there was a new version of portage available:
emerge -s portage
emerge -n sys-apps/portage
cd /etc/
rm make.profile
ln -s /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2006.0/ make.profile
emerge -uavD system
It looks to me as if a new version is when there is a new folder in:
In this case the new folder was 2006.0
. So we are effectively linking in a
new make.profile