Getting Started


Getting Started

Create (Top Level) Project

  • Change into the folder where you want to create the project.

    patrick@buzz:~/development/sample/java/osgi$ pax-create-project
    pax-create-project -g groupId -a artifactId [-v version] [-o] [-- mvnOpts ...]
    groupId (examples) ? com.dudewheresmyjar
    artifactId (myProject) ? dwmj
    version (1.0-SNAPSHOT) ? 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Note: This command created the folder, dwmj, for my project. I just renamed it to something more appropriate.

Project Configuration

Note: The pax-provision command should build the project and start the Felix OSGi container. This didn’t work on my workstation (most likely the URL [mvn:…] could not be resolved issue here, Issues.

…we want to use Equinox anyways… so make these changes:

  • In the root pom.xml, update the compiler plug-in:

  • In the root pom.xml, update the maven-pax-plugin plug-in to equinox and enable ide-support (so the project can be opened in Eclipse):



  • Start the OSGi container:

  • Close the container:

    osgi> close


The next step is to create a bundle, Create a Bundle.