
Stopping Timer Threads

By default, a program keeps running as long as its timer threads are running. You can terminate a timer thread in four ways:

  • Invoke cancel on the timer. You can do this from anywhere in the program, such as from a timer task’s run method.

  • Make the timer’s thread a “daemon” by creating the timer like this: new Timer(true). If the only threads left in the program are daemon threads, the program exits.

  • After all the timer’s scheduled tasks have finished executing, remove all references to the Timer object. Eventually, the timer’s thread will terminate.

  • Invoke the System.exit method, which makes the entire program (and all its threads) exit.


Standard Repeat

A Maven 2 project can be checked out from Subversion on:


package com.mycompany.example;

import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

public final class TimerExample extends TimerTask {

    /** Number of millseconds - 5 seconds. */
    private static final long DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 5000;

    /** Timer to make sure all errors are reported. */
    private Timer timer = null;

    /** Create the timer - which will make repeated calls to run(). */
    public void createTimer() {
        if (timer == null) {
            timer = new Timer(true);
            timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS, DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS);

    /** This function will be called by the timer object at the specified interval */
    public void run() {

The associated unit test:

package com.mycompany.example;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class TimerExampleTest extends TestCase {
    public void testTimer() throws InterruptedException {
        TimerExample timer = new TimerExample();

Simple Repeat

Scheduling a Timer Task to Run Repeatedly

int delay = 5000;   // delay for 5 sec.
int period = 1000;  // repeat every sec.

Timer timer = new Timer(true);

timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
        public void run() {
            // Task here ...
    }, delay, period);

Specific Time

Scheduling a Timer Task to Run at a Certain Time

int numberOfMillisecondsInTheFuture = 10000; // 10 sec
Date timeToRun = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + numberOfMillisecondsInTheFuture);

Timer timer = new Timer(true);

timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
        public void run() {
            // Task here ...
    }, timeToRun)