Surefire (Unit Testing)



Resources can be ../../java/resource-in-jar loaded from the test classes folder.


Surefire sets a basedir system property, which you can retrieve with:


Console Output

This doesn’t seem to work… but for future reference:

How to direct test output to the console


All Tests

To skip the unit tests:

mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
// or in later versions:
mvn clean package -DskipTests

or add the following to pom.xml:



Individual Test

  • Run

    To run an individual test:

    mvn clean package -Dtest=com.sample.AppTest
    # Probably worth trying this:
    mvn test -Dtest=com.sample.AppTest

    The value for the test parameter is the name of the test class (without the extension).

  • Skip

    To skip an individual unit test, add the following to pom.xml:


    This configuration skips For more information on patterns for the inclusion and exclusion of files see Directory-based Tasks from the Apache ANT manual.


Class Loading Issues

  • Class Loading Issues

  • [m2] Forking with Surefire

    java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/xml/namespace/QName class

    Add this to pom.xml:
