Script - python

Getting Started

  • Check you have a version of Vim with built in support for python, python.

…from this blog entry:

  • Edit the .vimrc file and add the following script:

    " -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    " Sample script from blog:
    python << EOF
    def testBuffers():
        import vim
        vim.current.window.cursor = (1, 0) # move to top left.
        vim.current.buffer[0] = 'hello world' # change first line.
        vim.current.buffer.append("last line")
    nmap <silent> ;t :py testBuffers()<CR>
    " -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Note: EOF is a token (can be anything) which marks the beginning and end of the script.

  • The function can be run by typing ;t in normal mode (not inserting text).

    Note: The function can also be run by typing the following at the : prompt:

    :py testBuffers()


To execute a Vim command from within python code:

python << EOF
def cdEnv():
    import vim
    vim.command('cd ~/env/')
nmap <silent> cdenv :py cdEnv()<CR>


To insert some text into the current buffer:

def date():
    import vim
    import time
    (row, col) = vim.current.window.cursor
    line = vim.current.buffer[row-1] # 0 vs 1 based
    before = line[:col+1]
    after = line[col+1:]
    update = before + time.strftime( "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") + after
    vim.current.buffer[row-1] = update
    vim.current.window.cursor = (row, len(update)-1)