My Keymaps


checkhealth lsp

Ctrl ]                Go to definition
Ctrl T                Jump back
Ctrl X  Ctrl O        Omni-completion
Ctrl X  Ctrl L        Completes the current line
grr                   List references
grn                   Rename references
=g                    Format the file
K                     Docs



Seems to just work


Ctrl q                Copy Telescope list to Quickfix
Alt k         cnext   Move to the next location in the QuickFix list
Alt j         cprev   Move to the previous item in the QuickFix list
cclose                Close the QuickFix list
copen                 Move to the next location in the QuickFix list
cdo s/pin/pop/gc      For each item in the QuickFix list, do a search and replace (with confirmation)

lua vim.diagnostic.setqflist()        Copy diagnostics to the QuickFix list

-- Copied from LSP section
grr                   List references


checkhealth telescope

:Telescope find_files

<leader>en            nvim config files
<leader>fb            List buffers
<leader>fd            Files in directory
<leader>fg            grep string under cursor
<leader>fh            nvim Help
<leader>fq            Quickfix

-- Copied from the QuickFix section
Ctrl q                Copy Telescope list to Quickfix


term                  Open the terminal
i                     To use the terminal
Ctrl \   Ctrl N       Leave terminal mode