Access Control (Apache)


Follow the Install

Copy bin/ from the Subversion installation folder to the Apache modules folder.

In the Apache conf/httpd.conf file add the following after the LoadModule directive for

LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/

Create a text file to store your access control policy. I created mine in this folder:


In the Apache conf/httpd.conf file add the AuthzSVNAccessFile directive to your Subversion section (don’t forget to update the location of the access control file):

<Location /svn>
    DAV svn
    AuthzSVNAccessFile /repository/svn-access/svn-access.file
    SVNParentPath /repository/svn

    AuthType Digest
    AuthName "Subversion Repository"
    AuthDigestDomain /svn/
    AuthUserFile /repository/apache/password/svn.htdigest
    Require valid-user

Set-up your access control file:

# Give patrick read/write access to the bandsaw repository
patrick = rw

# Patrick is not allowed to commit to the names folder inside the bandsaw repo.
patrick = r

For more information on this file: