

Cannot Delete Attachments

Only users with WIKI_ADMIN permission are allowed to remove wiki attachments.

BROWSER_VIEW is not a valid action.

Trying to run:

trac-admin itv permission add group-viewonly BROWSER_VIEW

…and I get this error message:

Command failed: BROWSER_VIEW is not a valid action.

If I run, trac-admin itv permission list, the permission does not appear in the Available actions list.


BROWSER_VIEW, CHANGESET_VIEW, FILE_VIEW and LOG_VIEW don’t appear as valid actions:

You appear to have disabled the Trac components related to source code browsing, so those permissions have also been disabled. Since you’ve disabled those components no users will be ale to browse the repository, so that’s not really an issue.


URL Incorrect

After browsing Trac on the server, the address on the email notifications was incorrect. To solve the problem, I added the correct URL in the base_url property in trac.ini. This sets any links Trac generates to start from the base, rather than the file that processed the generation:

base_url =


Assign to

Is a user does not appear in the Assign to drop down, ask them to login to Preferences and set-up their Email address.


When trying to create a ticket:

Trac detected an internal error:
IntegrityError: columns ticket, name are not unique

To solve the issue:

  • Find the highest ticket number in your database:

    sqlite> select max(id) from ticket;
  • Delete all custom ticket fields for ticket IDs higher than the returned value:

    sqlite> delete from ticket_custom where ticket > 123;

Note: We fixed this issue without using this fix… so I don’t know if it works or not.