Single Page


rst2pdf source/info/cv.rst -o cv.pdf

To control page breaks:

.. raw:: pdf


To set a footer:

.. footer::

  Page ###Page### of ###Total###

Complete Documentation


Install Latex, LaTex

Generate the PDF document:

make latexpdf

Open the document:

evince build/latex/MyProjectName.pdf


To generate a PDF document from a standard Sphinx project, we need to start by producing latex output:

make latex

To convert the latex documentation into PDF format:

Download the basic MiKTeX system, basic-miktex-2.8.3557.exe, from http://www.miktex.org/.

I installed to:

C:\tools\MiKTeX 2.8\

Run TeXworks by clicking Start, All Programs, MiKTeX 2.8, TeXworks:

"C:\tools\MiKTeX 2.8\miktex\bin\miktex-texworks.exe"

To generate the PDF file, TeXworks, File, Open and open the tex file generated in the first step.

Click the Play (Typeset) button on the toolbar and your PDF file will be created in the same folder as your tex file.

PDF - Command Line

Before using the command line tools, you will need to generate a PDF using the GUI (as in the previous section). This will download required dependencies.

Add the MiKTeX tools to your PATH. For an example batch file, see tex.bat.

To generate the pdf file, change into the folder containing your tex file and run the pdflatex command passing the tex file as the first parameter. The pdf file will be generated in the current folder e.g:

cd doc\latex\
pdflatex myApp.tex



Page break:

.. raw:: latex


The latex documentclass files can be found as follows:

cd sphinx
vim ./texinputs/sphinxmanual.cls
vim ./texinputs/sphinxhowto.cls

Note: I have no idea what to do with these files, but it might be useful to know where they are.


File not found

! LaTeX Error: File `manual.cls' not found.

To solve this problem, run the pdflatex command from the folder containing your tex file.