Ajax AutoComplete for jQuery


Documentation: https://www.devbridge.com/sourcery/components/jquery-autocomplete/

Download jquery.autocomplete.min.js from the dist folder.

It works as documented. The Style sample on the documentation page works nicely for me.

I created the JSON response using the Django braces JSONResponseMixin and AjaxResponseMixin e.g:

class LocationAjaxView(JSONResponseMixin, AjaxResponseMixin, View):

The response is formatted like this:

    // Query is not required as of version 1.2.5
    "query": "Unit",
    "suggestions": [
        { "value": "United Arab Emirates", "data": "AE" },
        { "value": "United Kingdom",       "data": "UK" },
        { "value": "United States",        "data": "US" }


I had some issues with speed of response. To resolve this, I changed the trigger count to two characters:

    minChars: 2,
    serviceUrl: '{% url 'location.search' %}',
    onSelect: function (suggestion) {
        console.log('You selected: ' + suggestion.value);


{% url 'location.search' %} is a Django tag.