Java - Collections
google-collections - Google Collections Library
// create an ArrayList with three arguments
List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList("foo", "bar", "baz");
// notice that there is no generics or class cast,
// and still this line does not generate a warning.
Set<String> s = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
// intersect and union are basic features of a Set, if you ask me
Set<String> s = Sets.intersect(s1, s2);
// Example of multiple values in a Map
ListMultimap<String, Validator> validators = new ArrayListMultimap<String, Validator>();
validators.put("save", new RequiredValidator());
validators.put("save", new StringValidator());
validators.put("delete", new NumberValidator());
validators.get("save"); // { RequiredValidator, StringValidator }
validators.get("foo"); // empty List (not null)
validators.values(); // { RequiredValidator, StringValidator, NumberValidator }