

South has been replaced with Django Migrations. For more information,

Workflow - Standard

Do the initial migration (see Getting Started)…

Change your model!

Create the new migration using the auto feature: schemamigration appname --auto

Apply the migration: migrate appname

List current migrations: migrate --list

Workflow - Data Migration

Firstly, we need to create a skeleton data migration:

./ datamigration appname update_some_data

If you open up the file, you’ll see that South has made the shell of a migration; the models definitions are there, the forwards() and backwards() functions are there, but there’s no code in either. Write some code for the forwards function.

If the backwards function is irreversible, then add the following:

def backwards(self, orm):
    raise RuntimeError("Cannot reverse this migration.")

Note: Use orm.ModelName to access the models - this gives us the version of the model from when this migration was created, so if we want to run the migration in future, it won’t get a completely different, newer, model e.g:


Workflow - Manual Migration

To create a manual migration where South cannot auto-detect the changes you want to make:

Create an empty migration script:

./ schemamigration myshop rename_some_tables --empty

In this example, South will create a script with the migration number pre-pended to the name e.g:

Edit the script e.g:

class Migration(SchemaMigration):

    def forwards(self, orm):
        db.rename_table('product_productvariation', 'configurable_productvariation')

    def backwards(self, orm):
        db.rename_table('configurable_productvariation', 'product_productvariation')

    models = {

Note: South has a nice database API for doing stuff like this…

Apply the migration as normal (see below).

Workflow - Reset/Collapse

(Probably worth reading this article too: Resetting Your South Migrations).

Best way to clear and reset Django-South migration history:

Reset your migration history for the app up to the last checked in migration (the one before the group of migrations you want to collapse):

./ migrate appname --fake MIGRATION_NUMBER

--fake means don’t touch the application’s DB. Just remove all migration rows from south_migrationhistory up to that migration number.

Remove all the recent migration files (up to that number):


Recreate the “next” migration to match your current DB state:

./ schemamigration appname --auto

Apply the migration to create the DB objects:

./ migrate appname