

If using SOLR:

pip -E ./env/ install pysolr


cd ~/download/django/


  • Extract the source code:

    cd ~/src/
    tar xzf ~/download/django/django-haystack-1.0.1-final.tar.gz
  • Install


  • Add haystack to installed apps in your settings.xml file:

  • In settings.xml, add the python import path to a file where you will keep your search configuration e.g:

    HAYSTACK_SITECONF = 'myproject.search_sites'

    Note: In this example, myproject is the name of the project. We create the search_sites python module in a later step).

  • In settings.xml, tell Haystack we are using SOLR and set the URL e.g:

    HAYSTACK_SOLR_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/solr'
  • Create a python file,, in the root of the project (in the same folder as settings.xml):

    import haystack



  • For each application where you want to index data in a model, create a file in the same folder as Here is a sample file:

    import datetime
    from haystack.indexes import *
    from haystack import site
    from myapp.models import Note
    class NoteIndex(SearchIndex):
        text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
        author = CharField(model_attr='user')
        pub_date = DateTimeField(model_attr='pub_date')
        def get_queryset(self):
            """Used when the entire index for model is updated."""
            return Note.objects.filter(
    site.register(Note, NoteIndex)


    • Every SearchIndex requires there be one (and only one) field with document=True. This indicates to both Haystack and the search engine about which field is the primary field for searching within.

    • When you choose a document=True field, it should be consistently named across all of your SearchIndex classes to avoid confusing the backend. The convention is to name this field text.

    • use_template=True is a mechanism to allow is to build the document using a data template rather than string concatenation. The template is created in the folder:


      …and will look like this:

      {{ object.title }}
      {{ object.user.get_full_name }}
      {{ object.body }}
    • If you don’t want to use a template (possibly when creating a string field… check out the prepare_ method in Faceting

    • The custom get_queryset method selects a subset of data to be indexed.

    …here is the file (for reference):

    from django.db import models
    from django.contrib.auth.models import User
    class Note(models.Model):
        user = models.ForeignKey(User)
        pub_date = models.DateTimeField()
        title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
        body = models.TextField()
        def __unicode__(self):
            return self.title


  • Add the following to your URL configuration:

    (r'^search/', include('haystack.urls')),
  • Create search/search.html template:

    {% extends 'base.html' %}
    {% block content %}
        <form method="get" action=".">
                {{ form.as_table }}
                        <input type="submit" value="Search">
            {% if query %}
                {% for result in page.object_list %}
                        <a href="{{ result.object.get_absolute_url }}">{{ result.object.title }}</a>
                {% empty %}
                    <p>No results found.</p>
                {% endfor %}
            {% else %}
                {# Show some example queries to run, maybe query syntax, something else? #}
            {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}


    • page.object_list is actually a list of SearchResult objects instead of individual models. These objects have all the data returned from that record within the search index as well as score.

    • They can also directly access the model for the result via `` result.object .  So the `` result.object.title `` uses the actual ``Note object in the database and accesses its title field.

SOLR - Schema

To generate the SOLR schema for your search models:

Generate the schema:

python build_solr_schema

Copy the output from the build_solr_schema command to your SOLR conf/schema.xml file…

Re-start SOLR (Tomcat)…


Read the Maintenance notes next…