PyDev - Eclipse *************** - `PyDev - Manual`_ Install ======= To install Pydev and Pydev Extensions from the Eclipse Update Manager, *Help*, *Software Update*, *Find and Install...*, *Search for new features to install*, *New Remote Site*, ================= ============================================ **Name** **URL** ================= ============================================ Pydev Extensions ================= ============================================ Checking the installation ========================= You can verify if it is correctly installed going to the menu *help*, *about*, *plug in details* and checking if there are at least 5 plugins with the plug-in Id starting with ``com.python.pydev`` and at least other 5 starting with ``org.python.pydev`` (and check if they have the version you got). Configuring =========== After installing it, the first thing you must do is configure the python and/or jython interpreter. To configure the interpreter: - Go to: *window*, *preferences*, *pydev*, *Interpreter - Jython/Python*. - Choose the interpreter you have installed in your computer (such as ``python.exe`` or ``jython.jar``). - Select the paths that will be in your System ``PYTHONPATH``. It's important to select only those folders that will **not** be used as the root for some project of yours. Project ------- After creating the project... The first thing to know about PyDev is that to use it to its *full extent*, you must have your python modules beneath a **source folder** (the source folders are the paths that are added to your ``PYTHONPATH``). You can add a new source folder in the menu: *File*, *new*, *other*, *pydev* source folder. What if I add something new in my System PYTHONPATH after configuring it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, if you add something to your python installation (anything that goes under the ``site-packages``), you need to either add it manually as a *New Folder* in the System ``PYTHONPATH`` or (**recommended**) remove your interpreter, press apply so that it clears its cache and re-add the python interpreter. .. _`PyDev - Manual`: